A day to celebrate

Yet again, another Wednesday morning and another appointment at the hospital. Today, before we had even sat down, Kelvin was saying "Good news, good news, good news!". The CT scan is clear, and so there is no cancer spread to my lungs, liver or kidneys. I had allowed myself to believe this all last week, so have been on a high anyway, so thank goodness I was right to believe!! I got the chance to ask all of my outstanding questions. Is it a new primary? Yes, most likely. We had a discussion about how the health professions never use the words 'definitely', 'certainly', 'guaranteed' etc. And Kelvin said never to trust a doctor who did. Can I have the Oncotype DX test that my friend had? Yes, most likely. This is a post-operative test that can help determine whether chemotherapy will be needed, but only works if your cancer is an early stage and oestrogen position (ER+). We're fairly certain mine will meet the criteria, but unt...