A lovely day to be radioactive
At Abergavenny, the car park was pretty full, but I was lucky enough to get a space fairly quickly. I located Nuclear Medicine fairly swiftly, and found myself in a waiting room. The other patients told me just to wait, no need to check in. They also told me tales of long delays the day before, and one of them was already an hour past his appointment. Deliveries of the medicines are apparently arriving late and causing problems. However, shortly after I arrived, the 3 patients ahead of me were seen very quickly, and I was in by 10:50am.
The radiographers managed to find a vein in my left arm. We debated that they take more time and care than the phlebotomists, who seem to rush. The radioactive liquid stung a little bit, and I think they were worried my vein had burst at the end, but I asked if she was happy with it and she said she was confident it was in my blood stream and would do what was needed.
I had been told to drink a lot, so the day was interspersed with bottles of water (3.5) and tea (1) and lemonade (1) and visits to the bathroom (6).
Once the injection was done, I was free to go and explore the delights of Abergavenny town centre. I had a good mooch in shops I don't normally go in (Wilkos, Poundland), just because I could. I bought a few things - for others and for me. Oops.
Back to the hospital, and I was virtually straight into the scan, very little waiting. Another patient was complaining of delays... until I pointed out her mobile phone hadn't had the hour time change, and actually she was early. She did feel daft, bless her!
I had to lie very still on the scanner bed, and was slid into the machine with the camera then sliding down my body very slowly. It takes around 20 minutes. I just closed my eyes and nearly fell asleep. I don't find things like that claustrophobic or anything.
Once I was done, I spoke to the radiographer and she checked the system to see whether my CT scan appointment was progressing. It is - I'm just waiting for an appointment or a phone call now. Hopefully I'll know tomorrow.
I'm now waiting for Greg to get home (he's on his way), with the fire lit and the dog and cat (Olive) asleep. I've made some parsnip, chilli and carrot soup and have a baguette and cheese ready for croutons. Although I was told I would be radioactive for 24 hours, they said I am OK to cuddle my pets, so that's good.
Back to work tomorrow. But only for one day :)
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