You're looking well!

It is now Christmas eve, and I realise a few people might have been a bit worried about me following my last post. Apologies, i'm fine really. Anaesthetic and the whole emotional roller coaster of having surgery really does take it out of you. My scar sites appear to be healing well. I can tell because the plasters have all fallen off my armpit one, showing a very neat, straight line at the bottom of my armpit. The last one dropped off yesterday, so today I will gently see if I can get all the stickiness off as it is rubbing a little. If it keeps rubbing, i'll pop another plaster over the top, just to prevent that, but without touching the wound. Its a tricky place to dress, as you can't help but have lots of heat and movement there. The plasters just above my nipple area are all intact. That whole area feels less sore, so the bruising is healing up nicely. Since my last post, I've had my birthday, so i'm now officially 45! I had a funny morning, as Gre...