You're looking well!
It is now Christmas eve, and I realise a few people might have been a bit worried about me following my last post. Apologies, i'm fine really. Anaesthetic and the whole emotional roller coaster of having surgery really does take it out of you.
Since my last post, I've had my birthday, so i'm now officially 45! I had a funny morning, as Greg had to go to work and we'd already bought my present - a sewing table for my revamp of the middle spare room into a sewing room and occasional gueast room. I opened my gift from my parents - new coat, which i'll keep for going to work in, so it doesn't get covered in Sydney hairs. I had also tightened up my Facebook personal data in the last year, so it doesn't remind the world that its my birthday, so I really did only get a handful of messages from very close friends and family. It made for a quiet day, so I busied myself with making myself a coffee and walnut cake. Yum.
My scar sites appear to be healing well. I can tell because the plasters have all fallen off my armpit one, showing a very neat, straight line at the bottom of my armpit. The last one dropped off yesterday, so today I will gently see if I can get all the stickiness off as it is rubbing a little. If it keeps rubbing, i'll pop another plaster over the top, just to prevent that, but without touching the wound. Its a tricky place to dress, as you can't help but have lots of heat and movement there. The plasters just above my nipple area are all intact. That whole area feels less sore, so the bruising is healing up nicely.

It made me think about my need for attention in these days of social media. I disabled the visibility of my personal data for security reasons, and I've prohibited anyone from posting on my wall because I don't want lots of random knitting patterns, anything library-related and alpaca pictures cluttering it up, but a consequence was the absence of any good wishes. On a day that I spent largely on my own, I was a bit sad, I will admit. I think I would have been less worried if I could drive - there is something about feeling housebound that has a effect on your mental state, because some of your choices are removed. At least if I could drive, I could have gone shopping or to visit someone, or something. Never mind, its only one day and for a short time.
My real birthday celebrations came on Thursday, when some lovely friends arrived and we had a good natter, and then joined my other lovely friends at Verzon House hotel for a birthday meal. We had a lovely time, and even though the service was fairly average for such a nice establishment, the food was fabulous.
Greg and I also got all of our Christmas food shopping done on Thursday too - Waitrose wasn't too hectic, and was followed by a trip to the deli at Severn & Wye, and then over to collect the turkey from Harts Traditional Turkeys. Rob Hart was someone I used to work with at Gloucestershire County Council, now retired, and really does farm some great turkeys. We get one from him every year. This year, I caught him by surprise, by turning up a day earlier than i'd said I would, but he and his son graciously prepared our crown quickly, and I repaid the favour by paying him in coins! I hadn't thought they would want them, but having bagged them up just in case following collecting money for the Christmas Jumper Day, I offered them and he was so glad as it saved him a trip into town to get change. £50 in £1s and 50ps. Thank you very much!
Friday brought us to Greg's work Christmas party. Still a relatively small company, the boss puts on a meal and drinks at a fancy hotel in Cheltenham, with partners invited. This was our first experience of it. We got togged up - Greg in his wedding suit and waistcoat (which might sound odd, but he got married in a lovely tweed outfit), and me in a black dress, make up and some bling - and headed out. I would have driven, to allow Greg to have a drink, if i'd been allowed.
We didn't stay very long, as we'd left Sydney the evening before, and knew he'd be worried at us leaving him for a second evening, but the meal was lovely, I had a good natter with his work colleagues and their wives and got a chance to thank his boss for having let him take time off work to accompany me to appointments. His boss noted that family is more important than work, but also made the comment that I was 'looking well'. It felt pointed. Was he disappointed? Did he expect me to look ill? Did he suspect I was faking it? I immediately felt obliged to say how tired i'd been in the past week, but that I was healing well after my surgery just over a week ago. Hmm. Isn't it funny how a small comment can make you feel you need to justify yourself!
So now, Christmas Eve. I'm having a lazy morning, about to get up. Greg's dad is here, and i've guded him to the loo once (he has dementia, and forgets the layout of our house), and will get up shortly and prepare for my brother and family visiting today.
Tomorrow, we shall potter and cook, and Greg's mum will arrive after her nursing shift. It should hopefully be drama free - except for arguments about what to watch on TV and the volume...! At which point, Sydney andI will go for a walk!
Thank you all for your love and support throughout 2017, and wishing you love and happiness for 2018. It is much appreciated by us all. xxx
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