Chemo#3 - half way there! And kicking off radiotherapy
The Day Before - The usual clinics and apart from the usual 'how have you been? do you need any drugs to deal with symptoms?' questions, I also saw a lady about the next step, radiotherapy. I was pleasantly surprised by this, as I had wondered if I had to wait until I saw my surgeon again - and that appointment keeps getting put back. She ran through the potential side effects. Soreness, blistering, tiredness that tends to be cumulative. Heart damage, lung scarring. Last time, I had just a plain chest wall on my right side zapped and 15 treatments, so apart from getting a square suntanned section, really didn't have any problems. This time, I have a breast, a nipple, and a heart for them to work around. If they can't avoid the heart area, they'll make me breathe in and hold my breath during the treatment as this makes more distance between the zaps and the heart. That's the most worrying thing, especially a...