Chemo #2 - attempt 3
Just catching up with this week's treatment. As before, will post daily updates to keep a diary of progress.
The day of - Wednesday 7th March
The appointment was at 3pm, so Greg went off to work to get some things done, and I cleaned the house in preparation for sitting on my arse for a few days. When Greg returned, we beetled down to Velindre with me snoozing in the passenger seat, feeling too hot in the sunshine, with my hat on, and with Greg sending all the heat in the car onto his cold feet. On arrival, we went directly to the Chemotherapy Day Unit and after booking in, waited for Tej to come along and go through the consent forms, which had to be done again as this is a different drug to the ones I'd already consented to.
The side effects of Abraxane are pretty much the same as the docetaxel as the active drug is the same, but the suspension is different. I've read various experiences from others who have had it, and many say they have no side effects at all - others have struggled as much as they have from other chemo drugs, so who knows what it will bring for me. I asked Tej why steroids weren't needed for this one - did it cause less nausea, as I was under the belief that's what the steroids were for? She said no, the steroids were to stop your body from absorbing too much fluid, and that's why they weren't needed for this. Interesting! She also said that Dr Howe had decided not to give me the cyclophosphamide anymore. I didn't ask why - must remember to do so at the next clinic - but either it is because I don't need it if i'm on the abraxane, or she didn't want to risk any other reactions. I suspect the latter, and that it was a 'belt and braces' add on anyway
Once consent was done, nurse Debbie managed to get a vein first time, and I was hooked up. She gave me my pre-chemo anti-sickness drugs and this included steroids! I asked why, and she said they were good for anti-sickness. So I haven't avoided the steroids, but only one dose instead of 3-5 days of them. Once hooked up to the pump, the abraxane was delivered..... and no reaction! Hurrah. it only took 40 minutes to deliver, so was done much more quickly. They sent me home with the lipegfilgrastim, more metclopramide antisickness, as well as box of the stronger anti sickness, ondansetron. This latter one with instructions just to take ONE tablet the next morning as it causes constipation. If I felt I needed more, I was to call the chemo pager and talk to them first. I suspect I won't need them anyway.
On the way home, I felt a bit nauseous, but Greg was driving quickly as he was hungry, so it might just have been his driving that was causing it! All settled down when I got home, and we had an uneventful evening.
The day after - Thursday 8th March
Even though I woke up at 3.30am and didn't get back to sleep at all, I have felt great today! Sydney and I did a 3 mile walk, and then I wrapped and sent my mum's Mother's Day present (sshhh!) and went to the Post Office to send it, and then on to Gloucester to pick up some Pigs Ears for Sydney, and a few bits of shopping for me. Back home, and I caught up on some TV while knitting.
I've just given myself the lipegfilgrastim injection into the fat of my tummy, and that has gone OK. It doesn't hurt at all.
So, no pains or aches today. The lack of sleep hasn't affected me, and I feel completely normal. Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Friday 9th March - slept from 10pm to 7am, and when I stirred I was like a lead weight. Couldn't/wouldn't move. Very glad we have a Tempur mattress! I was aching when I got up, but managed a short walk with Sydney and Major. Was feeling the cold today, so lit the fire and got back into my PJs to relax, and got on with knitting my latest hat - one for Greg's uncle Malcolm, who wanted one in Cornwall rugby colours. I've felt stiff and aching in my legs, back and shoulders, and suffering a little bit of stomach cramps and diarrhea today. But rather that than constipation. Watched two films - Moonlight and The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I didn't know what to expect of the former, but it was very touching. And have tried to watch the latter before but found it too confusing. I concentrated this time!
Saturday 10th March - Greg was up early to get to London for a job, so I was awake before 6am too. My knees were aching, legs twinging and had a big headache when I woke, so I got up and had some paracetamol, and then snoozed a bit more until breakfast. I could only manage a very slow walk with Sydney - 1 mile in 30 minutes, which is very slow - and have been knitting and watching catch up TV since then. Because of my early breakfast, I had beans on toast at about 11am for 'lunch' - we're generally trying to avoid bread, so this was a bit naughty. But Oh So Good! Then friend Jim came over after he did a job in Gloucester, so we had some cups of tea and a good catch up. Greg had hoped he'd be home by lunchtime, but he didn't leave until gone 4pm, but I found some energy in between painkillers to make bean burger mix, so dinner is mostly prepared now. I might do baked sweet potato with it. Last time this aching lasted for about 6 days, so we'll see how it goes this time. It doesn't feel quite as bad as last time, and it is hard to know if it is the abraxane or the lipegfilgrastim that does it. The nurses at clinic said it was both the docetaxel and the injection last time, but is the abraxane better or worse?
I am noticing some slight peripheral neuropathy (PN) in my right hand forefinger and thumb mostly, and a little bit here and there in my right foot, little toes. I'm noting this down to talk about at the next clinic, as they can reduce the dose of abraxane if it gets bad. I'm also noticing my leg cramps are worse, so must drink more liquids, and I have an order of B vitamins coming from Holland & Barrett, as I've read this can help with cramp and PN. Will also pick up some dried apricots, as they're a good source of magnesium and carry on eating lots of bananas! Diarrhea is better today.
Sunday 11th March - Woke at around 4am and needed to get up. Tidied the kitchen (quietly) and got myself a drink, and went back to bed, managing to get another couple of hours of sleep. Greg walked Syd this morning, and then went off on a motorbike adventure, aiming for one of favourite campsites which also happens to be a goat farm (Wookey Farm), with goat meat available in their honesty shop. We're booked in to camp there soon, so Greg can test out his new tent, which should be arriving anytime now! However, I also fancied a day out, so I donned my wig and put some make up on for the first time in a couple of weeks, and took Sydney for a wander into Monmouth. I decided I couldn't be bothered to do the shopping - I may do that tomorrow - so we just meandered through the shops and then had lunch at The Punch House. Sydney was super-well behaved the whole time, even with dogs either side of him in the pub. It's Gun Dog day on Crufts today - lets hope a pointer comes good!
On the symptom front, my legs are still a bit twitchy, my back aches a bit but ibuprofen and paracetamol are keeping that under control, and my tummy is still a bit bloated and crampy. Slight/occasional numbness in fingers and toes, but not enough to stop me knitting! I've started a little cardigan for a friends one year old...
Monday 12th March - I woke (again in the wee hours) feeling a bit slow, and managed to do a short Sydney walk. As I walked, I knew I needed to cheer up, and - call me odd - but being productive is what does that for me. So I got on with finding details of some decorators and set about arranging to get quotes. 4 have been contacted, and 2 appointments made so far. I also caught up on my work emails and sorted some statistics out, so that felt good too. I felt better as the day went on, and have only had to have one lot of paracetamol for a headache - probably a reminder to drink more. I've also arranged a lunch date with my bezzie mate, for Lobster and Fizz (she can have my share of the Fizz, seeing as alcohol makes me allergic at the moment!). Something fun to look forward to. So, a good day. Hoping I get a bit more sleep tonight. I'm getting off OK, but when I wake at 4am, I am wide awake. Grrr.
Tuesday 13th March onwards - oops, I didn't update this daily. So, how have I been feeling? Sleep got better from this point forward, which always helps with everything else. I had a bit of kidney/back pain, which only lasted for a day or two. My facial spots turned up on Friday 16th and stayed spotty for 6 or 7 days. The same thing happened on the last cycle. A little bit of diarrhea and wind, but otherwise not been feeling too bad. They do say the abraxane is kinder to you, and it seems to be so.
I've been keeping entertained and busy. I have chosen and booked a decorator, got quotes for replacement kitchen worktops, organised someone to fix some minor roof issues, had lunch with Charlotte, a visit from my parents and my mother in law. The snow and ice thwarted a visit from a work colleague, but we made it for a weekend in Cornwall and a visit to Greg's cousin at a campsite with a gorgeous lamb. I'm updating this after having had my 3rd chemo, so off to update on a new post, but in the meantime, some photos from the last couple of weeks.
The day of - Wednesday 7th March
The appointment was at 3pm, so Greg went off to work to get some things done, and I cleaned the house in preparation for sitting on my arse for a few days. When Greg returned, we beetled down to Velindre with me snoozing in the passenger seat, feeling too hot in the sunshine, with my hat on, and with Greg sending all the heat in the car onto his cold feet. On arrival, we went directly to the Chemotherapy Day Unit and after booking in, waited for Tej to come along and go through the consent forms, which had to be done again as this is a different drug to the ones I'd already consented to.
The side effects of Abraxane are pretty much the same as the docetaxel as the active drug is the same, but the suspension is different. I've read various experiences from others who have had it, and many say they have no side effects at all - others have struggled as much as they have from other chemo drugs, so who knows what it will bring for me. I asked Tej why steroids weren't needed for this one - did it cause less nausea, as I was under the belief that's what the steroids were for? She said no, the steroids were to stop your body from absorbing too much fluid, and that's why they weren't needed for this. Interesting! She also said that Dr Howe had decided not to give me the cyclophosphamide anymore. I didn't ask why - must remember to do so at the next clinic - but either it is because I don't need it if i'm on the abraxane, or she didn't want to risk any other reactions. I suspect the latter, and that it was a 'belt and braces' add on anyway
Once consent was done, nurse Debbie managed to get a vein first time, and I was hooked up. She gave me my pre-chemo anti-sickness drugs and this included steroids! I asked why, and she said they were good for anti-sickness. So I haven't avoided the steroids, but only one dose instead of 3-5 days of them. Once hooked up to the pump, the abraxane was delivered..... and no reaction! Hurrah. it only took 40 minutes to deliver, so was done much more quickly. They sent me home with the lipegfilgrastim, more metclopramide antisickness, as well as box of the stronger anti sickness, ondansetron. This latter one with instructions just to take ONE tablet the next morning as it causes constipation. If I felt I needed more, I was to call the chemo pager and talk to them first. I suspect I won't need them anyway.
On the way home, I felt a bit nauseous, but Greg was driving quickly as he was hungry, so it might just have been his driving that was causing it! All settled down when I got home, and we had an uneventful evening.
The day after - Thursday 8th March
Even though I woke up at 3.30am and didn't get back to sleep at all, I have felt great today! Sydney and I did a 3 mile walk, and then I wrapped and sent my mum's Mother's Day present (sshhh!) and went to the Post Office to send it, and then on to Gloucester to pick up some Pigs Ears for Sydney, and a few bits of shopping for me. Back home, and I caught up on some TV while knitting.

So, no pains or aches today. The lack of sleep hasn't affected me, and I feel completely normal. Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Friday 9th March - slept from 10pm to 7am, and when I stirred I was like a lead weight. Couldn't/wouldn't move. Very glad we have a Tempur mattress! I was aching when I got up, but managed a short walk with Sydney and Major. Was feeling the cold today, so lit the fire and got back into my PJs to relax, and got on with knitting my latest hat - one for Greg's uncle Malcolm, who wanted one in Cornwall rugby colours. I've felt stiff and aching in my legs, back and shoulders, and suffering a little bit of stomach cramps and diarrhea today. But rather that than constipation. Watched two films - Moonlight and The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I didn't know what to expect of the former, but it was very touching. And have tried to watch the latter before but found it too confusing. I concentrated this time!
Saturday 10th March - Greg was up early to get to London for a job, so I was awake before 6am too. My knees were aching, legs twinging and had a big headache when I woke, so I got up and had some paracetamol, and then snoozed a bit more until breakfast. I could only manage a very slow walk with Sydney - 1 mile in 30 minutes, which is very slow - and have been knitting and watching catch up TV since then. Because of my early breakfast, I had beans on toast at about 11am for 'lunch' - we're generally trying to avoid bread, so this was a bit naughty. But Oh So Good! Then friend Jim came over after he did a job in Gloucester, so we had some cups of tea and a good catch up. Greg had hoped he'd be home by lunchtime, but he didn't leave until gone 4pm, but I found some energy in between painkillers to make bean burger mix, so dinner is mostly prepared now. I might do baked sweet potato with it. Last time this aching lasted for about 6 days, so we'll see how it goes this time. It doesn't feel quite as bad as last time, and it is hard to know if it is the abraxane or the lipegfilgrastim that does it. The nurses at clinic said it was both the docetaxel and the injection last time, but is the abraxane better or worse?
I am noticing some slight peripheral neuropathy (PN) in my right hand forefinger and thumb mostly, and a little bit here and there in my right foot, little toes. I'm noting this down to talk about at the next clinic, as they can reduce the dose of abraxane if it gets bad. I'm also noticing my leg cramps are worse, so must drink more liquids, and I have an order of B vitamins coming from Holland & Barrett, as I've read this can help with cramp and PN. Will also pick up some dried apricots, as they're a good source of magnesium and carry on eating lots of bananas! Diarrhea is better today.
On the symptom front, my legs are still a bit twitchy, my back aches a bit but ibuprofen and paracetamol are keeping that under control, and my tummy is still a bit bloated and crampy. Slight/occasional numbness in fingers and toes, but not enough to stop me knitting! I've started a little cardigan for a friends one year old...
Monday 12th March - I woke (again in the wee hours) feeling a bit slow, and managed to do a short Sydney walk. As I walked, I knew I needed to cheer up, and - call me odd - but being productive is what does that for me. So I got on with finding details of some decorators and set about arranging to get quotes. 4 have been contacted, and 2 appointments made so far. I also caught up on my work emails and sorted some statistics out, so that felt good too. I felt better as the day went on, and have only had to have one lot of paracetamol for a headache - probably a reminder to drink more. I've also arranged a lunch date with my bezzie mate, for Lobster and Fizz (she can have my share of the Fizz, seeing as alcohol makes me allergic at the moment!). Something fun to look forward to. So, a good day. Hoping I get a bit more sleep tonight. I'm getting off OK, but when I wake at 4am, I am wide awake. Grrr.
Tuesday 13th March onwards - oops, I didn't update this daily. So, how have I been feeling? Sleep got better from this point forward, which always helps with everything else. I had a bit of kidney/back pain, which only lasted for a day or two. My facial spots turned up on Friday 16th and stayed spotty for 6 or 7 days. The same thing happened on the last cycle. A little bit of diarrhea and wind, but otherwise not been feeling too bad. They do say the abraxane is kinder to you, and it seems to be so.
I've been keeping entertained and busy. I have chosen and booked a decorator, got quotes for replacement kitchen worktops, organised someone to fix some minor roof issues, had lunch with Charlotte, a visit from my parents and my mother in law. The snow and ice thwarted a visit from a work colleague, but we made it for a weekend in Cornwall and a visit to Greg's cousin at a campsite with a gorgeous lamb. I'm updating this after having had my 3rd chemo, so off to update on a new post, but in the meantime, some photos from the last couple of weeks.
Lunch at Verzon House with my best mate |
More snow! |
A tiger made for Matilda |
The friendliest lamb. |
A walk on Crantock beach in Cornwall |
Hi Emma, glad it went OK and you are feeling well. Let's hope Friday is just as good.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick "Hey!" really and know that both Sarah and I are thinking of you.
One last thing. I can sympathize with Greg, driving with cold feet is really no fun ! 😊
Take care, Martin (AKA dyno)
Thanks Martin. Aching a bit today, but it was to be expected.